about Sassy

play in color™

Color plays an important role in the development of our toys, just as it does in the development of human vision. At birth, babies are unable to focus well enough to distinguish colors. As their eyes mature, high-contrast colors become their first point of focus. That’s why we incorporate high-contrast colors, like black and white, along with bold patterns, to help babies focus and relax. As their vision continues to develop, we gradually introduce more colors. Tap "Learn More" to discover why!

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expert insights

We create toys backed by expert research and consultations with pediatricians, developmental psychologists, kinesiologists, and neuroscientists. These experts have provided Sassy with unique insights into product features designed to stimulate babies' senses and support their emerging emotional, social, physical, and intellectual skills.

We embrace these insights to craft toys that Inspire the Senses™.

Inspire the Senses™


Healthy early childhood play experiences contribute to positive language development, math skills, organization, focus, and creativity as babies grow. Sassy sensory toys are designed to appeal to every stage of a baby’s first year by engaging sound, vision, and touch. We also offer bath toys that encourage discovery through water play. As babies grow, our STEM-inspired toys introduce shape sorting, stacking, creativity, experimentation, and discovery, nurturing their curiosity through the age of 24 months.